Sustainability as part of our strategy 

Our vision: To unite the needs of our customers with the skills and professional interests of our employees.

In 2023, TopTeam launched their CSR and sustainability strategy. At TopTeam, we have long had a strong focus on both our employees and their wellbeing in the company, but also on reducing our environmental impact now and in the future. Our sustainability strategy is inspired by the UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
At TopTeam, we support the UNs Sustainable Development Goals through our sustainability strategy. Our priority SDGs focus on climate, health and gender equality. Within these areas, we, at TopTeam, can help improve our impact on both a local level and, in some ways, also on a larger level.
Since all the SDGs are closely linked, TopTeam has an impact, and therefore, responsibility for all 17 SDGs through our value chain, however to ensure a focus, we have chosen to put emphasis on the goals where we can be part of  creating the biggest impact. We have chosen to focus on the following of the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals: